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620 Wealthy Street Southeast
Grand Rapids, MI, 49503
United States

candlemaking reservations

Create your own custom candle in our candlemaking workshops! Enjoy learning how to blend fragrances to design your own unique scent profile under the guidance of our candle-making experts.

⌚Workshops last 30-45 minutes, but your candle will need to set for 3-5 hours before you can take it home. Go grab a meal or a cup of coffee while perusing the other shops in the wealthy street shopping district!

If you have a group of 8-20 people, need space for food + drink, or are interested in a private rental please fill out this form to book your party.

Questions before you book? Read through our candlemaking FAQs or email us at

Want to host a candle party at your location? Learn more about our Wandering Workshops where we bring the candlemaking experience to you!