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6 candles for dad

Courtney Jones

with father's day coming up, we thought we would highlight a few candles perfect for father’s day! each candle is a unique blend of rustic woodsy notes with musky forest undertones- explore these “dad approved” candles find your perfect gift!

oak + moss

oak + moss combines a strong base of earthy cedarwood with rustic oak, soft moss, and light greenery to capture the wonder of adventure.

pine + scotch

the perfect blend of fresh cut pine, crisp forest air, and campfire embers cracking in the backyard.

tobacco + vanilla

a classic scent made for any gentleman. enjoy timeless notes of warm vanilla, smoky tobacco, rustic cedar, and a soft hints of clove.


inspired by breathtaking views and trail snacks. a rustic blend made for those always searching and moving.


smells like a weekend away at the cabin with a glass of good scotch in hand.

sandalwood + amber

This luxurious blend of warm amber, golden embers, and smooth sandalwood is the perfect sophisticated scent for hosting an envy worthy happy hour or bougie weekend soirees…

soy wax frosting: why is my candle top changing?

Courtney Jones

tis the sesason to discuss frosting… no, we are not discussing sugary goodness, but we are talking about a natural process that happens to soy wax!

have you ever noticed that the top of your soy candle may get “frosty” if you keep it a long time without burning? Have you ever wondered if this is normal?

well it is! when the glossy top starts to turn to a more opaque finish, it’s called frosting. this is a natural characteristic of soy wax, and it is one way that you can tell that the candle is made with pure, all natural soy wax.

when the wax arrives to our studio, it comes in opaque white flakes- these are melted down and poured into your candle. overtime, frosting is simply the wax returning to it’s natural opaque state. frosting does not affect the way candles burn or impact the scent throw, so even if you see this on a candle you have kept for a while, go ahead and light it up!

so next time you take a look at your candle and notice little imperfections, let it remind you it was made by humans with the best all natural ingredients!

scents for a soft minimalist

Courtney Jones

sandy beiges, soft tans, and neutral creams… the end of summer transition into fall is the perfect time to embrace the golden colors of the season. this is why we wanted to share 5 scents that will help you create a soft space full of warm vibes and cozy feels 🌾✨

tobacco + vanilla

reminiscent of cozy days at home baking cookies, playing board games and reading old books. enjoy timeless notes of warm vanilla, smoky tobacco, rustic cedar, and a soft hints of clove. a classic favorite.

+ scent type: warm, soft, cozy

+ notes: vanilla, clove, cedar, tobacco

sandalwood + amber

this romantic scent is inspired by shimmering sunbeams dancing over the golden fields and a sunlit dusk gently kissed by warm memories. enjoy this luxurious blend of warm amber, golden embers, and smooth sandalwood.

+ scent type: warm, rich, luxurious

+ notes: amber, golden embers, sandalwood


inspired by the shimmering dusk, shifting shadows, and dreamy evenings. enjoy notes of golden amber, powdery sandalwood, musky cedar, and fresh citrus.

“dusk shimmers into night, the warm glow soaks our sight, shadows drift through the seams, everything settles into dreams…”

wild ochre

inspired by wild trails, conquering mountains and never ending adventures. enjoy notes of golden dandelion, sage, bayberry, lavender and moss.

“bold stories full of life, mountains & monsters set to strike, conquering all- both good and evil, wielding wild to achieve your equal.”

bronze jasmine

inspired by enchanting beauty, glittering magic and natural grace. enjoy notes of jasmine, amyris, honysuckle, sandalwood, musk.

“dew covered petals glimmer and gleam, showing their presence as it may seem, but truth soaks deep and beauty does too, changing perspective to a softer hue.”

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create your own scent routine

Courtney Jones

every morning i get up, make coffee, clean my desk, light a candle, and get to work. these are my ideal mornings- this is how i feel the most productive, powerful, and accomplished. my to-do list doesn’t have a chance.

you probably have some sort of routine that you follow- you get up, maybe grab a cup of coffee, brush your teeth, pack for work, etc. these daily routines are what build our lives, and whether you know it or not, smell plays a large role in your lifestyle.

scent is such a powerful tool you can use when you are building a space- you can choose specific notes, tones, and styles of candles to create the specific atmosphere that you are looking for. they not only transform a space, but also your feelings in that space and how you interact with it.

as mentioned before, i always light a candle when i clear off my desk and start work for the day. this scent is usually our oak + moss. it just feels right in my workspace- the darker woody notes and earthy tones just click for me. this space is very different than when i take a calming bath, or curl up with a good book on the weekend, or crawl into bed for the night. these spaces get their own scent routine that incorporate different blends that create the space they are meant to be.

to help you find the right scent for the routine you are looking for, we have create a quick guide highlighting some of our candles commonly used to create atmospheric vibes:


need to create an entrancing space to get into the work zone? try two of our signature scents, lady boss or oak + moss (mentioned above as my own personal desk candle favorite!).

  • lady boss: “a strong + smooth blend inspired by working hard and making shit happen. enjoy notes of amber, rose, sandalwood + bourbon.”

  • oak + moss: “a dark earthy blend with woody notes of cedar, oak, musk, and moss.”


want to cozy up your space to create a hygge home atmosphere? try our classics tobacco + vanilla or pine + scotch to build a rustic minimalist routine. light a morning bathroom candle, or a

  • tobacco + vanilla: “reminiscent of cozy days at home baking cookies, playing board games and reading old books. enjoy timeless notes of warm vanilla, smoky tobacco, rustic cedar, and a soft hints of clove.”

  • pine + scotch: “the perfect blend of fresh cut pine, crisp forest air, and campfire embers cracking in the backyard.”


looking to create homemaking routines? try these blends when creating your homespace! use fern + rain to add a sense of bright greenery, green tea + lemongrass for a clean and fresh rejuvination, or lavender + chamomile for a cozy calm. light one up after cleaning, while cooking, or during dinner.

  • fern + rain: “inspired by the delightful a dance between soft florals, fresh greenery, and crisp morning dew.

  • green tea + lemongrass: “a bright blend of fresh citrus , green tea, + soft lemongrass- the perfect candle to illuminate any room.”

  • lavender + chamomile: “elegant dance between soft lavender, warm chamomile, and sweet vanilla.”


looking to create a soothing bedtime routine? try goldenrod or sandalwood + amber to create a sense of calming warmth.

  • goldenrod: “inspired by the shimmering dusk, shifting shadows, and dreamy evenings. enjoy notes of golden amber, powdery sandalwood, musky cedar, and fresh citrus.'“

  • sandalwood + amber: “inspired by shimmering sunbeams dancing over the golden fields and a sunlit dusk gently kissed by warm memories. enjoy this luxurious blend of warm amber, golden embers, and smooth sandalwood.”


shop candles by personality

Courtney Jones

ever wonder how to pick out the right candle when you are gift shopping? the number one thing we have seen people shop for is the container type that the candle is made in- which well we have put together an outline on each of our vessels to help you out! shop our scents by container type to match the personality type you are shopping for:

type 1. the minimalist

that person who loves black, white, and the full grayscale between. they love simplifying their lives, they own 3 pieces of furniture that somehow completes any room. their look is sleek, bold, and of course, comprised of neutral colors. a lover of intention.

no2. the modernist

that analytical data driven person who loves concrete furniture and concrete evidence. they fill their home with abstract art and wear bold outfits. a lover of prime colors and prime numbers.

no3. the traveler

the person without firm roots. the free spirit traveler who goes wherever the wind takes them. the adventurer seeking new realms to explore and places to experience. a lover of all things new.

no4. the homemaker

the homebody who cooks from scratch. always canning their own vegetables and drying homegrown herbs. ever-green thumb that always covered in garden soil. a lover of the earth.

no5. the connoisseur

the person with an expansive knowledge on all things alcohol, foreign cheese, and how and when you should eat them. always hosting. always concocting dishes and drinks. a lover of classy things.

cocktail glass candles for mom

Courtney Jones

we love a gift with more than one use and these cocktail glass candles are just that! with over 50 hours of luxurious home fragrance, mom will enjoy your gift that keeps giving by filling it back up with her favorite refreshing cocktail after it burns down...

no 1. for the boss mom

one of our bestsellers- the perfect candle for the power babe in your life. strong + smooth with splash of bourbon to top it off. inspired by working hard and making shit happen.


+ scent type: warm, smooth, luxurious

+ notes: amber, rose, sandalwood, bourbon

no 2. for the queen of the house

a breathtaking blend of brilliant florals with a reigning power of enchanting greenery and a crisp wit.

+ scent type: fresh, floral, mysterious

+ notes: champaca, gardenia, frankincense

no 3. FOR THE MOM WHO NEEDS A day in

inspired by cozy evenings with a good book and an early bedtime. this blend is an elegant dance between soft lavender, warm chamomile, and sweet vanilla.


+ scent type: soft, calming, floral

+ notes: lavender, chamomile, vanilla

no 4. FOR THE MOM looking for adventure

inspired by breathtaking views and trail snacks. A rustic blend made for those always searching and moving.

+ scent type: rustic, earthy

+ notes: cedar, oak, musk, moss

how to transition your home into spring + summer by using fragrance

Courtney Jones

building your own home fragrance plays a huge role in your comfort and placement in a space. when you are in a seasonal transition, there are ways you can incorporate fragrance to ground you in a season, or push you into the next.

because it is april and we are located in the great state of michigan, we thought we would share how to transition your home into the spring and summer months by using certain candles to create a brighter environment in the home. basically we are kicking winter to the curb! to do this, we are looking for light, airy, and floral notes in candles- these notes illuminate your home and create a sense of growth and rejuvenation.

you can find these in two of our spring bestsellers, fern + rain and juniper + rose:

no 1. fern + rain is one of our bestsellers inspired by the delightful a dance between soft florals, fresh greenery, and crisp morning dew. it is a scent made for lazy days full of enchanted dreams in magical meadows and mystical forests.

+ scent type: fresh, floral, mysterious

+ notes: champaca, gardenia, frankincense

fern rain candle by sable candle co.png
juniper rose candle by sable candle co.png

no 2. juniper + rose is a fresh blend of fruity florals, fresh greenery and an airy breeze. this blend smells like a cozy day full of porch sitting and wine drinking.

+ scent type: airy, floral, sweet

+ notes: juniper, berries, rose, water lily

the gilded collection: a narrative

Courtney Jones

i grew up in a small rural town in west michigan filled with golden fields, green meadows and hidden forests. i would spend hours outside, dreaming a life filled with story and adventure, being the queen of my own backyard kingdom.

now that i’m an adult, i find that my mind still wanders to these places- i still dream of this magic, and the memory of this brings so much comfort and joy to my heart. this is where my inspiration came from for our GILDED COLLECTION. these scents were mixed with these memories in mind- walking through golden wheat fields, climbing giant hills in the meadow, climbing trees and reaching for something far beyond my tiny perspective on life in reality. these candles are made to inspire- to connect and encourage dreaming, chasing magic, and bring out your inner queen.

each candle features an image of a woman in her majesty, and is paired an encouraging poem that provides the scent with it’s own narrative- a story that connects people through courage. the artwork done by my husband michael rajnicek, who not only puts up with my crazy ideas, but encourages them in all their glory. the poems are written by myself- they are words pulled from childhood adventures made to inspire future generations.

me with my “birthday crown” at a childhood birthday opening gifts.

me with my “birthday crown” at a childhood birthday opening gifts.

i come from a family full of women; my mom had 3 sisters and i have 2. we all spur from a line of strong women who where not only inspirational, but also kind and full of enduring love. this past year my family said goodbye to my grandmother- a headstrong woman full of life, love, and never ending joy. her memory now joins me in these magical spaces roaming the countryside of west michigan, and they hold a kind of life that i had to share.

so today we are sharing them and releasing the collection online! today is a special day, not only because it is the day our collection is being released, but because it is the first day of march- my birthday month. I know this seems incredibly silly and childish, but even as an adult i keep up this excitement around birthdays, because life is better with with celebration…. and birthday crowns.

so today we celebrate the magic of dreaming, imagination, and the power of women. we celebrate life, love, and the majesty of all queens everywhere. i hope you enjoy!

gilded inspiration + memories

3 scents to start fresh

Courtney Jones

happy new year! the beginning of the year is a perfect time to get a fresh start- to take the time to reflect, reset, and recharge. this is why we put together 3 of our brightest blends to help you freshen up your home for the new year!

no 1. fern + rain \\

inspired by the delightful a dance between soft florals, fresh greenery, and crisp morning dew.

no 2. tea tree + peppermint \\

a bold minty blend reminiscent of a brisk wind, cool fresh air, and a refreshing mist.

no 3. green tea + lemongrass \\

a clean blend of fresh citrus , green tea, + soft lemongrass- the perfect candle to illuminate any room.

3 scents to destress

Courtney Jones

the holidays bring on extra stress, especially in the year of 2020! this is why we put together a short guide on some of our candles that are the perfect way to calm your space and help de-stress.

we know candles often have a calming impact, just in their nature + aesthetic (especially with our crackling wooden wicks!), but we also know that the ingredients in candles play a role in their influence. our aromatherapy blends are made with thereputic grade essential oils that are free of toxins, and can have calming effects. browse each blend below to read about the benefits of the oils used!

lavender + chamomile

both lavender and chamomile are often associated with creating a sense of calm- their aromatic scents help ease stress, reduce heart rate, and improves sleep.

this signature sable blend is inspired by cozy evenings with a good book and an early bedtime- an elegant dance between soft lavender, warm chamomile, and sweet vanilla.

green tea + lemongrass

a fresh rejuvenating blend that can help stimulate the brain, freshen your home, and re-energize you after a time of stress.

this scent is inspired by dewy fresh citrus , green tea, + soft lemongrass- the perfect candle to illuminate any room.

tea tree + peppermint

this blend is so fresh and bright! tea tree and peppermint oils both help reduce anxiety, boost your immune system and open up nasal congestion. this scent is a purifying and rejuvenating blend that could help you reset in just the perfect way.

this signature sable blend is bold minty mixture inspired by brisk fresh air, crisp frost and falling snow.

holiday gift guide

Courtney Jones

as you may know, holiday shopping isn’t always easy… so we have put together a few easy gift items that will be sure to please! items include gift boxes, candle accessories, and other cute items perfect for stocking stuffers or quick gifts.

holiday gift guide by sable candle co.jpg

tin gift pack

choose 3 of your favorite tins to be included in this perfect little gift pack! items will be gift wrapped and packed up for the holiday. choose to ship to that special person or pick-up locally at our showroom.


a perfect little gift to brighten up any room! these wax melters are a great way to get the cozy warm scent from a candle without the flame. inlcudes 4 disc wax melts in a cotton drawstring bag- choose your scent! disc is 2.25” wide.

minimal matches

this minimal apothecary set is the perfect “match” to any sable candle. complete a special gift, or simple top off your coffee table. holds 40 matches. reusable glass jar.

reusable concrete candle

modern candle with a reusable life! choose from marble, charcoal, or blush container color, then select “add to cart” to choose your desired scent.

these vessels can be repurposed into planters, catch all’s, or office organizers after your candle burns down… or contact us to refill it!

lady boss candle

one of our bestsellers- the perfect candle for the power babe in your life. strong + smooth with splash of bourbon to top it off. inspired by working hard and making shit happen.

smokin' fall candles

Courtney Jones

smoldering fall scents(1).jpg

fall is here!! and we all know what that means… fall candles 🍂

seriously, it is (in my opinion) the BEST time of the year to light a candle and cozy up with a glass of wine and a good book in the evening. who can say no to that?! smoky bonfires, earthy forests, spiced wine... fall is calling and no one is safe! so here are 3 scents that will be sure to cozy up your space for those crisp fall nights…

Smoky Fall Candles by Sable Candle Co.jpg
  1. harvest moon: inspired by crisp fall nights, spiced wine, and smoky bonfires. enjoy the complex blend of cinnamon, apple, pumpkin, allspice, sage, and blood orange. a classic spiced fall candle with a smoky twist.

  2. pine + scotch: inspired by smoky pine forests, crisp scotch, and classic fall shenanigans. enjoy notes of smoky pine forests, crisp scotch, cypress + crisp forest air. a rustic candle bringing the fall forest inside.

  3. tobacco + vanilla: inspired by baking cookies, playing board games, and reading old books. enjoy our original scent with timeless notes of classic vanilla, clove, cedar + tobacco. a nostalgic fall scent with a hint of smolder.

so choose your own smoky scent and light up your fall season!

why wooden wicks...?

Courtney Jones

the benefits of wooden wick candles

we often get questions on our wooden wicks, so we thought we would share why we use them, their benefits and how they are different from regular cotton wicks.

Minimal Black Jar Candle.jpg
  1. a clean burn: say goodbye to sooty residue and hello to a clean burning candle! because wooden wicks don’t “mushroom” they provide minimal carbon, soot, and debris build up. just trim off any charred wood from previous burns, and your flame will shine clean + bright.

  2. long lasting: who wouldn’t want a longer life?! the life of your candle is another fantastic reason to buy wooden wick candles- they burn slower than regular cotton wicks. simply add a bit of life to your candle by simply choosing a wood wick.

  3. wider fragrance throw: In a burn test between a wooden wick vs cotton wick candle, results showed that the wooden wicks diffuse heat more rapidly into the wax, and can push up to 35% more fragrance throw into a room, compared to cotton wicks. so what does this mean…? it means your candle is working better, stronger, and faster at spreading it’s fragrance!

  4. the crackling ambiance: wooden wick candle wicks have a distinct crackling sound when burning, and a generally more calming and appealing aspect in creating ambiance- in a consumer-facing study, a whopping 96% of consumers said that wooden wick candles are more calming vs. their cotton wick counterparts, and 92% of consumers stated that wooden wick candles create more ambiance. you can’t argue with those numbers!

  5. a modern aesthetic: in addition to an awesome ambiance, wooden wicks have a distinctive flat horizontal flame, giving your candle a modern feel that you won’t get with a cotton wick.

  6. toxin free: because our wicks are 100% wood, they are not only eco-friendly and sustainable, but also toxin and phthalate free.

  7. eco friendly + charitable: our wooden wick supplier uses wood sourced from FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified mills and for every $100 spent with them, they plant a tree with the “Trees for the Future” - and organization working to end hunger and poverty for small farmers through revitalizing degraded lands. this means that with every sable candle purchase, you are not only helping to plant trees, but also help support the lives of farming families. read more about this organization at

share your wicks!

we want to see your sable candles in action + tag us (@sablecandleco)

summer candle scent inspirations

Courtney Jones

i took a bit of time away from the studio to enjoy the michigan summer… and it was simply wonderful. and far too short. i enjoyed seeing new things and breaking my normal routine, as well as getting hit with the important reminder that it is the simple moments in life that give you what you truly need.

looking back on a few photos, i thought about those moments- enjoying the cool breeze on your face, watching the clouds pass by, staring into the campfire for hours on end, and exploring enchanted waters and magical meadows. these are the moments that foster inspiration- the quiet moments that allow your brain to reset and your heart to open.

these moments brought me back to why we make candles, and where we find our inspiration. it brought me back to my favorite scents of all time, and especially for those summer nights… and i wanted to share them with you! these are a few of what i currently have burning in my own home. i hope you enjoy!

  1. my all-time favorite is our pine + scotch blend. it is “a day at the cabin with a glass of scotch in hand- the perfect blend of pine, smoke, and crisp forest air.” seriously, it’s like a tiny little campfire in your living room. light it up and just stare at the flames for a while enjoying the scent of smoky pine on a summer night.

  2. a close second is oak + moss… another rustic scent that has “a strong base of rustic cedarwood, oak, and musky earth, topped with lighter notes of soft moss and forest greenery.” simply enjoy an evening walk in the woods after a summer thunderstorm.

  3. lastly, is our soft and sweet juniper + rose blend. this one is perfect for “a warm afternoon on the porch with a slight breeze and sangria in hand. a combination of fruity florals and sweet summer air.” it is a perfect steamy summer night with sweet florals and fresh air.

we hope you enjoy these moments just as much as we do- the world needs this magic, so go explore!

show us your inspiration!

share your favorite summer sable scents + tag us (@sablecandleco)

a look in the studio

Courtney Jones

you may have burned our candles, shopped from us online or in person, or purchased our products from one of our retailers… but have you seen where our candles are made?! we thought it would be kinda fun to show off our studio- to share the space where we mix the magic that we send to your home…

our studio is broken down into stations where we have different tasks- mixing, pouring, cooling, labeling, and shipping. this structure is important for a few reasons like work efficiency and cleanliness (we like to keep melted wax away from our beautiful labels and packaging!)

here is our mixing + pouring station. we have our large waxmelter where we melt around 45-50lbs of wax at a time. we use pouring pitchers to add fragrance oils in, stir, and then pour that batch into our candle vessels.

once the candles look good, we move to labeling! each candle gets labeled by hand with their appropriate collection / scent label.

our studio is located on wealthy street in grand rapids, michigan - a busy shopping district full of coffee shops, restaurants, and other small retail shops.

in our studio space, we have a small showroom where you can shop our collections as well as other candle accessories, homewares and art.

so next time you light up a sable candle, remember the faces and hands that made it, and space it came from. hope you enjoyed the sneak peek into our studio life!

we use bakery style racks to house our cooling candles. after they are handpoured, we move the tray to one of these racks to finish fully setting.

after setting, we do a quality check for any imperfections in the wax (pits, uneven setting, clumpy wax, bubbles, etc). If they need to be fixed, we move them to another rack.

after each candle is labeled, we do another quality check before sending the candles to our backstock shelves, out in orders, or to one of our retailers.

check out a list of our retailers:

wooden wick candle care

Courtney Jones

wooden wicks are a bit different from a traditional cotton wick- they burn longer, cleaner, and have a cozy crackling ambiance. but they do require a bit of extra care. here are our tips and tricks to get the most out of your sable candle:

  1. always trim your wick before each use, removing all charred wood from previous burns. if you don’t, the wick may not stay lit long enough to fuel the flame, causing it to extinguish itself. to trim a wooden wick remove all charred wood (we suggest a wick trimmer).

  2. make sure to allow the wax to melt across the entire diameter of your candle on the first burn- this helps prevent tunneling, which can impact how well the candle burns.

these two simple tips will help your candle burn clean and long for the entire life of your wooden wick candle.

we choose our ingredients with intention and precision- shop all of our handcrafted wooden wick candles below:

Why Materials Matter.

Courtney Jones

Have you ever heard of someone avoiding candles because they cause headaches? Have you ever wondered why candle companies use different types of wax, like paraffin, soy, or beeswax? What most people don’t know is that candles can be made with many different ingredients- some being quite harmful and dangerous to your health, which is why we are quite particular on what we put into our candles here at Sable Candle Co. Our candles are made with a base of 100% all natural soy wax, and then fragranced with a mixture of all-natural toxin-free oils and pure therapeutic-grade essential oils, and finished with clean burning wooden wicks. Each one of these materials is chosen with intention when developing our line of candles.


We only use natural soy wax in all of our candles, and there are a few reasons for that. The main reason is that it provides a cleaner, toxin-free burn compared to it’s counterpart paraffin.

Paraffin wax is commonly used to make candles and wax melts because it is generally cheaper to produce than soy wax. Since paraffin wax is derived from petroleum, coal, or shale oil, it has been found to contain carcinogens (cancer-causing agents) such as benzene, and other toxins like toluene which can cause migraines and other health complications. The chemical toluene found in paraffin wax mainly affects the central nervous system in the brain. Toluene enters your body when it evaporates into the air that you breathe. Research shows that melting paraffin wax-based candles emitted toxic toluene and benzene, while soy candles & wax did not.

Another benefit of soy wax is that it offers a longer, slower burn compared to paraffin- which means you get more out of the life of your candle! For these reasons, we choose soy wax to give you the best value of quality, burn time, and value for your candles.

>>> Read more about where soy wax comes from: What is Soy Wax?


In addition to choosing natural soy wax, we also vet all of the fragrance oils used in our candle quite carefully. Fragrance oils are often synthetic products made in a laboratory with many additional ingredients being chemicals and petroleum by-products. In fact, according to a report by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), approximately 95 percent of the chemicals used in synthetic fragrance oils are derived from petroleum. Among those chemicals are aldehydes, as well as benzene derivatives and toluene (similar to paraffin wax discussed above).

Other chemicals found in fragrance oils are phthalates and parabens- they are used to extend the aromatic strength and lengthen the shelf life of the candle. Both paraben and phthalates have been linked to adverse health effects, including cancer, reproductive problems, endocrine disruptions (hormones), allergic reactions, and respiratory issues.

Because of this, we intentionally find toxin free oils for our candles- we often used pure therapeutic grade essential oils, as well as toxin free clean natural fragrance oils. What is the difference between the two? Essential oils are truly from nature- they are collected through a distillation process that carefully separates the essential oil from the flowers, needles, twigs, fruit peels, seeds or roots where it is found. It is a process that requires far greater effort and expense than the manufacturing of synthetic fragrance oils.

Clean natural fragrance oils are man made, but are developed intentionally without any of the preservatives and toxins that are often found in synthetics- they are phthalate + paraben free, and put through rigorous standards to ensure they are free of any carcinogens or other toxins known to cause health problems.


We want to craft the best, high quality, clean candles for your home and we believe wooden wicks are the best option to do so. They offer a cleaner and longer burn, wider fragrance throw, are eco friendly and offer a cozy atmospheric experience.

When you burn a wooden wick, they burn slower than their cotton counterpart, which means you get more out your candle. They also don't “mushroom”, like cotton wicks, so they provide minimal soot and debris build up when burning. Wooden wicks also burn stronger than cotton wicks, dispersing fragrance with a wider throw. In a burn test between a wooden wick vs cotton wick candle, results showed that the wooden wicks can push up to 35% more fragrance throw into a room, compared to cotton wicks.

They are also a sustainable option- our wooden wick supplier uses wood sourced from FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified mills and for every $100 spent with them, they plant a tree with the “Trees for the Future” - and organization working to end hunger and poverty for small farmers through revitalizing degraded lands. this means that with every sable candle purchase, you are not only helping to plant trees, but also help support the lives of farming families. read more about this organization at

Lastly, they offer a unique experience through their cracking ambiance. Wooden wick candle wicks have a distinct crackling sound when burning, and a generally more calming and appealing aspect in creating ambiance- in a consumer-facing study, a whopping 96% of consumers said that wooden wick candles are more calming vs. their cotton wick counterparts, and 92% of consumers stated that wooden wick candles create more ambiance. you can’t argue with those numbers!

>>> Read more about wooden wick benefits: Why Wooden Wicks?

We have built our recipes with healthy, clean ingredients to make sure our product creates a toxin-free environment. All of this development, along with creating our custom unique scents has taken us YEARS of work. We love the science behind concocting a clean + healthy scent for your home- nothing is added without deliberation and intention. This is our signature- gorgeous, simple, spot-on-scents made with purpose.

Make sure to read each description to find out what each candle is made with and meant for… there is a little something for everyone and every setting. we hope you appreciate and enjoy our craft!